This week I had to take our Jack Russell, Rosheen, to the vet for a 3 year rabies vaccine. James and I loaded the car and took her. I realized when I was cued by the smell of veterinary disinfectant there, that the last time I bad been there with Ro was on November 14, 2008, about two weeks before Daniel's passing. I remember the day well. Matthew and I took Ro to the vet, and it was the very first time that Daniel stayed alone in the house at 12 1/2. Daniel wanted to get some schoolwork done and work on his computer. We knew he was ready for this. He had the cell phone and both my husbands and my numbers programmed in. He also had the landline, etc. I realized while at the vet that I WOULD NEVER HAVE LEFT DANIEL ALONE IN THE HOUSE IF I HAD EVEN REMOTELY SUSPECTED THAT ANYTHING COULD BE WRONG WITH HIM. How could he have passed just two weeks later, with no clear cause ?
Interestingly, time without us there seemed longer than he he thought, and although we were right on schedule because we were bringing him lunch, he called my husband with concerns that perhaps we had broken down in the older car we keep just to transport dogs and other animals to the vet when needed.
I miss him so very much.