Monday, December 23, 2019

Daniel's Eleventh Christmas in Heaven

Dearest Daniel,

         I still think that this is the most beautiful song, that says the words with which I struggle, so well. As I know you are aware, your brothers and sister have continued to grow here on Earth. Some of them have married, and some of them have children, and are thrust into the challenges of being young parents. I know you watch with interest as they navigate within this difficult world.

      Sometimes, I still feel your gaze and sometimes in dreams I hear your words. I know that you think that it is time to shed some of the possessions you had while you were here, and that your nephew and niece might enjoy them. I will do this. Please know that although I don't understand why God called you, along with Papa Lawrence, that I trust in the Lord God to keep you both safe. I know that you both looks after the animals who depart this farm at the end of their long lives.

    I look forward to seeing you both, and all of them, when it is my turn to go. Merry Christmas to you both, with great love,
