Friday, May 6, 2022

Happy Birthday, Daniel 2022


This is the posting to your twenty-sixth birthday. Somehow, we are almost fourteen years from the date of your sudden departure. We still miss you very much. Yesterday, your nephew lamented to your sister that he missed you. It seemed a ridiculous thing to say, even for a young child because he had never known you on Earth. However, you departed at the end of 2008, and he came to Earth in 2014, and so there may have been time between 2008 and 2014 for you and he to get to know one another. Perhaps he is telling the truth when he says this. Please know that no matter how long you have been gone from here that we still think of you daily and we miss you and Papa Lawrence. Sometimes, I allow my mind to drift and wonder what you would have done here on the Earth had you remained. There are a lot of situations on the Earth that have deteriorated since your departure, in politics, in medicine, in government, and in education. Sometimes, I am pleased you were spared some of this on the particularly bad days. You are always my son, and I always love you. Sometimes, when something momentous happens, like when I met your newest nephew for the first time, I feel your spirit beside me. I love you deeper than the oceans, and wider than the seas.