This is the boy who passed suddenly on Monday night. His name, which is Wyatt Barber was not in initial news reports. |
At the end of this month, it will have been seven years since the day in which Daniel simply slipped from his flesh suit and died. A lot of changes have come to the Earth since that time, many of them not good. However, one thing has not changed. All over the world, there are children and teens, like Daniel, who are believed to be healthy and who collapse into cardiac arrest. Many of them appear well. They don't complain, and like Daniel, they had clean general physicals not long before their cardiac arrest event. Many of these, even when they receive immediate CPR, as Daniel did, do not survive the initial event. The reasons for this are multi-causal. Some on autopsy, have clear cardiac enlargement or anomalies which contribute to a cardiac arrest. Others , like Daniel, had no structural abnormalities, but have a presumed electrical abnormality which leaves them vulnerable to a fatal cardiac arrest. These children do not have signs of coronary artery disease, which kills so many older Americans and people around the world. This is not a myocardial infarction or heart attack. Although these sudden cardiac death disorders run in families, many of the families of children who die from a sudden arrhythmic death have no knowledge of anyone else in their family having died in such a manner. An AED will help some of these kids, but only if used within a couple of minutes of the initial collapse.
Monday evening,in Pomeroy, Ohio, a nine year old boy named Wyatt Barber, collapsed after football practice. This was a "walk through practice" and although he was excited about it, no real game or stressful exercise had taken place. Just like Daniel, he collapsed face forward. Despite CPR and quick transport, the boy was pronounced dead at a local hospital emergency room.
My condolences go to his family and his friends. The path of a sudden and unexpected death of a child is a path I wish no one ever had to travel.
Why does this keep happening ? How many children will we continue to lose until we have improved screening for sudden arrhythmic death issues for children and teens ?
UPDATE: Unlike Daniel, the results of Wyatt's autopsy were clear. Wyatt had an undiagnosed abnormal left main coronary artery. A final autopsy report will not be available for weeks.
A Go Fund Me account has been set up for Wyatt's Family for burial expenses.