Showing posts with label Thunder and lightning with snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thunder and lightning with snow. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thunder and Lightning in the Snow


     Today we are having the first snowstorm of our Winter season.  It's an interesting storm.  For the last four of five days we have had heavy rain, and then today, we have a Winter Storm Warning.  What was supposed to begin this evening, but began at three in the afternoon.  We were driving back with one of our sons who is coming home from college for the weekend.  At first, it began as sleet. On the interstate, new cars slid off the road into the deep ditches aside the road.   We kept the speed reasonable, and came home carefully.  At times the snow was dense and powdery and made it hard to see.  Other times the snow was large unusual chunky flakes.  The local weatherman thinks we may get 5-7 inches.
               This evening, our daughter called to ask us whether we too had thunder and lightning with the snow.  Despite the fact that she lives a bit more than five miles from here, we haven't.   I asked James about this and he said that we had some thunder and lightning this morning, after I left.