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Eric will not return to Congress for an eighth term. |
I remember the Summer of 2008 as if it were a month or two ago. I attended a Republican fundraiser at a large farm in which a number of political dignitaries were in attendance. As a homeschooling family, I used to bring our children to events such as these, in part because it teaches them things about politics, politeness, and social skills. Too often children see themselves as inhabitants of a parallel universe distinct and separate from political people, when it point of fact they are not. Since the other kids were in college, Daniel attending this particular event with me.
Daniel, who was twelve, was his usual articulate self, and when he met Eric Cantor, he explained how the bank bailouts as planned, were counter to the way capitalism works. Eric Cantor was gracious to Daniel and explained that the bank bailouts would have to occur because the damage to the economy could be catastrophic if they did not. Daniel told him that a bank that made bad business decisions should fail, and then the people employed by those banks would start new smaller banks which took fewer risks, and that capitalism is in fact, self cleaning, but Congressman Cantor wasn't buying.
Only a few months later, when Daniel died, so unexpectedly, I did notify Eric Cantor that the child who at 12 1/2 had so articulately spoken politics with him, was gone. I hoped he would remember him, and perhaps even shed some light on why our local government had refused to pay for an autopsy on a completely unexpected death. Our family was left procuring one ourselves and agreeing to pay for it. Eric Cantor's office never responded despite the fact that our family had met him many times and that we had worked to help him be elected in 2000.
When Daniel died, so much of the world seemed to go sideways. An unqualified man was elected to the presidency. Our new president spent money like water. He ate lobster in Wyoming and beef in Maine. One problem after another ensued including a continuing deteriorating economy. Anyone who questioned the actions of the regime was accused of racism when we were criticizing actions not ethnicity. "Cash for Clunkers" came and went. "Shovel Ready Jobs" were coming and never did. More and more of our friends lost their jobs, and often their homes just after. Our friends who kept their homes found them worth only about half of their initial expenditure. Selling a home in order to take another job in another part of the country sometimes meant walking away and trashing their credit entirely. Our children graduated from universities with debt from college, and did not find jobs. A half baked expensive health program fashioned as a precursor to National Health came in. The "Affordable Care Act" wasn't affordable at all. Some of the people we knew lost their health insurance entirely. Business after business closed. The government began buying millions of dollars worth of ammunition for all of its federal agencies, and it became difficult to buy many types if you were the general public. More and more late night, holiday and weekend actions by the executive branch continued to erode the US Constitution. There is talk of granting amnesty to illegal aliens when many Americans born here who would take ANY job, still can't find one. Some of our own people have been looking for work for years.
More food banks appeared and most are regularly empty. More and more middle class families have been depending upon them. Businesses close, and more Goodwill stores have opened. Through all this time, we continued to do what we believe genuine patriots do. We did not demonstrate anywhere, however we wrote constant letters to our Congressman Cantor and to our Senators. We explained why we were concerned about the debt load of the United States. We asked that Obamacare not be funded. We don't want our state's Medicaid expanded. From Senator Mark Warner we received letters back saying that he would do his best to clamp down on guns when our letter had been concerned with our retaining our gun rights, particularly in a rural area. He and his staff didn't even really read our letter. Our letters back from Senator Tim Kaine sounded as if they had come from a socialist. We had hoped Eric Cantor, our Congressman, would work to lead the charge to rescind Obamacare. We hoped that he would be a part of the group who tried to curtail runaway governmental spending. This never happened. As nice a man as Eric Cantor is, he seemed completely out of touch with the wishes of his constituency.
Today when the Republican Primary took place our family went down to the polling station and we voted for the professor of economics who is opposing Eric Cantor. It broke our hearts to vote against the person we had worked for all those years ago. However, things in the US are going so badly that we need people strong enough to oppose the present regime, not appease it. This week the present regime paid money and traded five Taliban members in exchange for a man who deserted our troops. This was unwise, but it was also illegal because proper notifications were not given to Congress. We have long since moved squarely into impeachment territory, yet we don't have men courageous enough to tackle these problems in our Congress.
I know that Eric Cantor may well have been the next Speaker of the House. I know that the votes of my family do make a difference. I just heard that Eric Cantor lost his eighth bid to be returned to Congress. I grieve for him and his family. I also grieve for mine. I pray that whomever does return to Congress on our behalf has the starch to speak honestly and with fiscal responsibility. Daniel, I did my best.
I regret that when I had to repair the post above due to a technical glitch, I lost the comments to this post. I'm sorry for this. Please feel free to replace them. Best wishes to all of you who comment here.
ReplyDeleteIt seems Mr. Cantor is a progressive and they have taken over the democrats, part of the republicans, schools, media and many churches. Progressives are controlling the country which is why things are as they are since their policies have not and never will work but lead to chaos and a corrosion of values. I only wish I could have voted against him.
ReplyDeleteConsider that my kids who voted against him did so, also on your behalf !
DeleteAt last, maybe the start of sanity?
ReplyDeleteOne can only hope....... Thanks for your comments !
DeleteUnfortunately I do not grieve that he lost and would like to see all of the out of touch elected officials replaced quickly. Good riddance.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, when both of us were in our late twenties, Eric contracted to build houses on speculation, and then he would sell them in order to create a family nest egg. The man we met was a good man determined to do a good job in raising his young family and in financing their needs. We did not buy his house, waiting instead to buy something a little less grand and on more acreage. Sadly, he seems to have lost his way and been swayed by the great manipulators in Congress.
DeleteI was doing fine, reading out loud as Joe praised your son and rejoiced when he discovered that you share our beliefs regarding the deserter and allowing five threats to our American people to be reunited with their leaders. Now they know more than they did before.
ReplyDeleteBut when I got to "Daniel, I did my best." I TOTALLY lost it. As in LOST it. He could have done so much good where so much bad has succeeded.
DeleteIf Daniel and I had five minutes together, then he would tell me that he has our backs in Heaven, and I would tell him that I would do my best to take care of his sibs, his animals and his Dad right here. I know he would do his best for us, and he knows my doing my best here would go without saying.
I don't know what purpose it serves to have Daniel called Home, but it occurred in such a supernatural manner in such an instant that I have to believe it had purpose. Besides, we will all reunite together at the end of this gloriously frustrating mission to our Earth !
Love to you and Joe,