Once again, the world has turned to the time of the year in which you each had to leave us, one by one. The memories fall over me particularly at this time of year, a bit like falling leaves, or perhaps a bit like bubbling water from a waterfall.
Dad, much in the world has gone wrong since you departed from it. There was a significant stock crash in 2008 which flattened if not decimated the retirement accounts of many. We have survived by doing some uncomventional thinking, and perhaps with help from you and from God. I appreciate all the chances and education you have given me. Believe it or not, Barack Obama made it to the presidency despite his books in which he alludes to socialist leanings. He and his cronies have spent or appropriated huge sums of money which could burden the kids, or even my grand kids if they are ever born. Unemployment nears ten percent and is higher in some cities such as Detroit. I am doing my best to keep alert and informed politically as you would wish. Oh, and Dad, isn't the song at the bottom of the post beautiful, and beautifully sung ? I was thinking of you when I posted the "Caruso" piece. It's contemporary but very operatic as well. This, in my opinion is the best version of this song, although it has been performed many times by other artists. I will see if I can locate one I think you would like with a male tenor voice. The Josh Groban version is a little nasal, and I have not yet located an Andrea Bocelli version.
Daniel, the farm is shaping up and we are taking excellent care of the animals here. You would be proud. I know that you felt before your passing, that Eric Cantor should not aid in the appropriation of 780 billion dollars to bail out banks which made bad policy decisions and bad loans,and that you told him so, and he did anyway. It seems you were brighter than our Congressman even at 12 1/2. I do think now though that he will take a more conservative stance in the Congress than he had.
Both of you, Adam broke his two and a half year engagement recently. I think that for many reasons, this was a good choice for him. His former fiancee's family is moving away due to a job transfer but I think this event simply underscored difficulties that they were having.
James is adjusting. He is kind and gentle some days, and a tortured and annoying teen others,and probably normal for someone now 15, and came to us through adoption, as you know, a year after your passings.
We all miss you so very much, especially this time of year. I hope you read my posts and I know that somehow you do know what is happening on Earth with those you love. I am so grateful for every moment we did have together, even though, we all wanted more time together. We all love you both, wider than the oceans and deeper than the seas.
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