This may be one of the last candid pictures taken of Daniel.

I can hardly believe that one of our most popular posts, "Scorching Summer Days" was written now a year ago. In it, I believe I talk about the extreme heat which oppresses Virginia in July, and about my father's birthday this month, and my husband's as well. In some ways,losing Daniel has royally confused how I mark time. Very quickly afterward, music was divided into songs he knew, or songs which were written or became popular before his passing, and songs which came to public view afterward. Incidentally, the song selection below, is a song that Daniel heard often. I am very sure of one thing, and that's that he knew well how much I love him, and always will.
Virginia has once again resumed the oppressive heat which overhangs so much of the summer here. The kind of heat which inspires children and teens to try to shower and change clothing three times daily. I am transported to remembering the days in which Daniel all sweaty with his shirt collar not smooth at the back was cutting watermelon to eat. This is also the kind of heat which inspires adults to go out at seven am, finish all the errands quickly and get back to the house before the noon hour. Sometimes,the oppressive heat inspires some Virginia homeowners to contract to have a pool installed. This is not only outrageously expensive, but it takes time and fairly great expense to maintain.The law in many places also mandates fencing, even on larger farms. In my neck of the woods, a pool also attracts snakes and black bears. A neighbor had a pool destroyed near here by a young bear who apparently thought that it had been installed just for him. I think I will hold out, and perhaps just sit in the jacuzzi.
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